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KMID : 0359020060330050294
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2006 Volume.33 No. 5 p.294 ~ p.297
A Case of Doudenal Diaphragm in an Adult Treated with Endoscopic Membranotomy using Insulated Tip Electrosurgical Knife
Kwon Bum-June

Han Sok-Won
Cho Geun-Jong
Kim Chang-Whan
Kim Tae-Ho
Lim Yeon-Soo
Baeg jeong-seon
Kim Jin-Il
Park Soo-Heon
Kim Jae-Kwang
Chae Hiun-Suk
Choi Gyu-Yong
A duodenal diaphragm is rare congenital anomaly among the duodenal obstructions. Its symptoms and signs usually appear from birth if the obstruction is complete. However, a diagnosis may be delayed until the patient reaches adulthood in cases of an incomplete obstruction. Treatment of an adult duodenal diaphragm is usually surgical. To our knowledge, there are few reports of the endoscopic treatment of an adult duodenal diaphragm but none in Korea. We report a duodenal diaphragm in a 26- year-old female with epigastric pain, who was treated with an endoscopic membranotomy using an insulated tip knife.
IT-knife, Adult duodenal diaphragm, Endoscopic membranotomy, Insulated tip knife
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